Tuesday, June 25, 2013

CD: Half Year's End Festival (Nagoshi)

Carpe Diem #231 

end of hot summer
longer nights ~ cooler air
sweet welcome of fall


celebrate ~ purify
assess your chosen life path
is this the right road?



  1. or should I take a left?

  2. Nicely done Maggie. And to give answer on your question [..]I seem to have difficulty with the specific events in Japan as opposed to a word I can relate to personally. How do you make the haiku engaging without that personal knowledge? [..] I think the best way to write your haiku on this kind of prompts is to 'feel' the sphere of the post and the feeling you are getting by that post, the images or something. Try to become one (or part) of the scene. I think that will work. It's my way to relate to these kind of prompts and events. I hope you understand what I mean. (I find it very difficult to answer such questions because I don't know the right English words, English isn't my maiden language)

    1. Thank you, Kristjaan. Yes, that does help...a lot.

  3. Yes, the Autumn can be a welcome friend :)

  4. I can't help but wonder how many people are willing to assess their lives. Not many, I think.

    Away from Festivals

    1. My life is not typical in many ways I guess. So many junctures of reevaluating.

  5. I love the cool breezes :-)

  6. Right road, left road, center road...which road?

    One More Festival

  7. i think you did a great job on your second
