Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring Garden

The Sunday Whirl: Wordle 106

Write a poem or prose using the following words:

winter's brittle twigs
replaced with thin flexible branches
new growth burgeoning from its marrow
leaves nearly transparent
will soon bring forth roses
rich in color and scent

clearing debris gathered since last summer
grubs march quickly as rocks are unearthed
a harrowing experience i guess
for them to be exposed
either to a rare ray of sunshine
or the sight of a human in their midst

i saw a robin borrow string
perhaps a nest nearby 
last year an oath to provide birdhouses
i peek in each to check
but find proof of life in the wisteria vine
my garden, my sanctuary

Photo Source


  1. I like the "winter's brittle twigs
    replaced with thin flexible branches"
    An oath to provide birdhouses would provide lots of beauty to one's garden!

  2. This is a beautiful spring poem filled with growth and renewal. The garden cycles through seasons, and your words paint it well.

  3. You have woven a lovely image of spring, beginnings, and new birth. Love the photo that follows your poem. Good luck with the birdhouses,


  4. A lovely spring poem, Maggie. Very gentle and you used the words well. Thanks for commenting on my poem.

