Monday, May 20, 2013

My Trifectan Profile

Meet Your Fellow Trifectans

Trifecta asked the following questions of its participants:

  1. What is your name (real or otherwise)?
  2. Describe your writing style in three words.
  3. How long have you been writing online?
  4. Which, if any, other writing challenges do you participate in?
  5. Describe one way in which you could improve your writing.
  6. What is the best writing advice you’ve ever been given?
  7. Who is your favorite author?
  8. How do you make time to write?
  9. Give us one word we should consider using as a prompt. Remember--it must have a third definition.
  10. Direct us to one blog post of yours that we shouldn't miss reading. 

Following are my answers:

The world knows me as either Maggie or Grace so I just use Maggie Grace. Last name is Beam as of July 2012…newlywed.

Style of writing is: “let it flow”

Began blogging around 2003. Had been a corporate writer in the real world in the 90s and had a newspaper column on pet care.

Started mindful stones writing Jan 2013, haiku in Feb 2013, then began seeking longer writing challenges: Trifecta, Write At The Merge, Five Sentence Fiction. One Single Impression.

I wish I could write purely fiction. Each time I have consciously written fiction, it has turned out to be subconscious truth. Lots of amnesia for trauma in my past so brain leaks things through writing. The challenges are helping me intentionally move away from that…I hope.

If you are “in the zone”, don’t stop.

I have always been drawn to non-fiction and my personal library is primarily psychology and books for healing from trauma. Perhaps Thich Nhat Hanh is my favorite. He writes in such a calm, zen-like manner.

I’m disabled/retired. When not scheduled to do something, I live to write.

Prompt: MIND

Because it explains me…suggested post:

Me relaxing in Sedona, AZ (vacation in May 2013)

 Thank you for allowing me to be part of this community! 



  1. Hello Maggie Grace, nice to meet you!

    1. Hi Barbara! Thanks for reading. Am just getting back to my weekly writing after a short week off. Will be reading your intro soon. This is a really good idea :))

  2. Well you sound like a charming person. My intent was to write non-fiction and the fiction came out of nowhere. In some ways you can write more truth in fiction than non-fiction.

    1. Hi Ann, yes, it is. What is unbelievable in real life becomes believable because it is "fiction" within the context of the story. I find that fascinating. Thank you for stopping by!
